Oceans Alive Foundation plays a key role in supporting the local communities in Kuruwitu, Kilifi County Kenya to improve their livelihoods. The local community is dominated by fishermen and fishmongers and approximately 20 community members depending on each fisherfolk.
Oceans Alive works with the Kuruwitu Beach Management Unit and other Community Based Organisations in the Kuruwitu area.
Kuruwitu Beach Management Unit is a management measure used to bring together fishermen, fish mongers, traders and boat owners working within the Kuruwitu area to promote community management of marine resources.
Oceans Alive supports Kuruwitu Beach Management Unit (KBMU) through technical guidance and support in the efficient management of their resources. Oceans Alive supported Kuruwitu Beach Management Unit to conduct SAGE process and further development of the Kuruwitu Co-Management Area Plan (KCMAP) which sets KBMU as a pioneer and role model to be emulated by other communities.
Recently the (KCMAP) was successfully launched by the Kuruwitu Beach Management Unit with support from Oceans alive and funding from Biopama. Stakeholders from different areas graced the occasions to support the plan action for Sustainability.
The Kuruwitu Co-Management Plan (KCMAP) aims to fulfil the requirements of the Fisheries Management and Development Act (2016). It was developed through a thorough consultative process with the engagement of various stakeholders. The KCMAP highlights relevant issues on marine and coastal natural resource co-management and aims to resolve conflicts in land use, fisheries, forestry, biodiversity, environmental degradation, pollution and community welfare and proposes a roadmap for management measures and actions to address them.
KCMAP Vision
Healthy coastal and marine ecosystems providing sustainable blue economic ecosystem goods and services for dependent communities and stakeholders within the Kuruwitu Co-Management Area.
